Welcome to Lithomex

Paving joints for all needs

If you want a maintenance-free pavement, use Lithomex jointing sand.

Top quality jointing materials - for DIYers and professionals

Lithomex is the only Danish manufacturer of jointing products that covers all needs in the construction industry – from weed-inhibiting bonded joints to stabilizing strength joints.

Our in-house produced quality joints meet all needs – from terraces and driveways, to road crossings and pedestrian streets.

Contact us today and we’ll help you find the right solution for your project.

Products and services

Everything you need for your pavement

Under Products you will find all the different materials and solutions we can provide for your paving projects.

Here you will also find brochures, instructional videos and more. for our products.

Lithomex Easy fugesand mellem fliser på terrasse

Easy Jointing sand

Easy jointing sand is theideal jointing sand for patios, walkways and driveways where you want a flexible, bonded joint with minimal weed growth.

Lithomex Quicksand fuger mellem natursten på sti i privat have


QuickSand is theideal jointing material for pedestrian and light trafficareas where you want a firm, reinforcing and stabilizing joint – free of weeds.

Lithomex hård fuge med Styrkefuge mellem natursten på område på Budolfi Plads i Aalborg

Strength joints

Our L-series with L10, L20 and L50 is theideal jointing material for areas with varying joint widths and where you want a strong, firm joint – free from weeds.

Holstebro Station

LAR solutions

Ideal paving systems for traffic areas where you want efficient rainwater drainage and sewer system relief – free of weeds.

Lithomex MaxMover fra Max-serien udstillet i en sandgrav


Our MaxCleaner helps you quickly, easily and safely clean up old joints so you can install a new weed-free Lithomex joint.


Pavement joints and SUDS solutions for our customers

Choosing the right grout and the right SUDS solution is essential to the success of your pavement.

We have many years of expertise in providing our customers with paving joints and SUDS solutions that meet their needs and wishes. Private, corporate and public sector.

Under Inspiration you can find inspiration in a selection of the many solutions we have delivered to our customers.

Musikkens Hus i Aalborg
Contact us

Do you need help?

Tøv ikke med at kontakte os på info@lithomex.dk eller  +45 86 22 11 22

Portrætfoto af

Søren Wilsbech

E-mail: sw@lithomex.dk
Tlf.: +45 86 22 11 22

Portrætfoto i sort / hvid af salgssupport i Lithomex Jan Guldberg Pedersen i skjorte på hvid baggrund

Jan Guldberg Pedersen

E-mail: jgp@lithomex.dk
Tlf.: +45 86 22 11 22

Portrætfoto i sort/hvid af salgskonsulent i Lithomex Thomas Kristensen i sort skjorte på hvid baggrund

Thomas Kristensen

E-mail: tkr@lithomex.dk
Tlf.: +45 93 63 99 03