Products and services
Lithomex QuickSand is theideal jointing material for pedestrian and light trafficareas
where you want a firm, reinforcing and stabilizing joint – free of weeds.
Hard and firm joint
Frost resistant
For light traffic
Facts and figures
1-component jointing sand
- Jointing sand for natural, brick, concrete and sandstone surfaces
- Hardens on contact with air to a firm, weed-free and permeable joint
- Intended for pedestrian and light traffic areas
- Ready-mixed, ready to use
- No machines or certificates required
- Resists frost
Facts and figures
Choose from three colours
Facts and figures
Which Quicksand is right for you?
Narrow joint
Jointing sand for narrow joints
- Joint width from 3-20 mm
- Joint depth is min. 2x joint width, but min. 30 mm. Min. half stone height for traffic load
- Density: 1.45 g/cm³
- Only use QUICKSAND at temperatures above freezing point
- Can be walked on after 24 hours at 20 degrees Celsius. Fully hardened after 7 days at 20 degrees Celcius
Wide joint
Jointing material for wide joints
- Joint width from 6-20 mm
- Joint depth is min. 2x joint width, but min. 30 mm. Min. half stone height for traffic load
- Density: 1.50 g/cm³
- Only use QUICKSAND at temperatures above freezing point
- Can be walked on after 24 hours at 20 degrees Celsius. Fully hardened after 7 days at 20 degrees Celcius
Info and safety
Do you need technical knowledge?
It is important that you both apply QUICKSAND correctly,
and that you take care of yourself while performing the work.
That’s why we’ve compiled all the information in an instructional video,
brochures and safety data sheets you can download below.
If you’re putting a job out to tender, you can find inspiration in our tender texts.
If you are unsure about anything, please contact us.
Watch instructional video for QUICKSAND
Want to see our cases with Quicksand?
Facts and figures
Is delivered in a bucket size of 15 kg