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Products and services
Below you can see our product range. Jointing materials for every need .
Under each product page you will find relevantproduct information, brochures and instructional videos.
Easy Jointing sand
If you have a patio, walkway or driveway where you want a flexible solution,
If you’re looking for a firm and weed-free joint, look no further than our Easy jointing sand.
If you have an area with pedestrian and light traffic where you want a firm, reinforcing and stabilizing joint – free of weeds, then our Quicksand is the one to look at.
Strength joints
If you have a high traffic area (light to heavy traffic) and want a strong, firm joint – free of weeds, then our L-series is the one to look at .
Hvis du har et areal, hvor du effektivt ønsker at aflede overfladevand, så er det vores Deko-Drain (drænfelter) eller klimafuger (permeable styrkefuger), du skal kigge på.
MaxCleaner er et uundværligt redskab, når du skal oprense gammelt fugemateriale og gøre klar til nye ukrudtsfri Lithomex fuger.