Products and services
EASY Jointing sand
Easy Jointing sand is the ideal jointing material for patios, walkways and driveways,
where you want a flexible, bonded and weed free-joint.
Hard, elastic joint
Frost resistant
For smaller loads
Facts and figures
Polymer bonded jointing sand
- For natural, brick, concrete and sandstone surfaces
- Intended for walkways with less pedestrian and vehicle traffic
- Ready-mixed, ready to use and easy to sweep out
- Binder activates with water and forms a weed-free joint
- Hardens into a hard elastic flexible joint that stabilizes the pavement
- Resists frost
Facts and figures
Choose from three colours
Facts and figures
Are you looking for the easiest solution?
Easy Jointing sand
- Joint width from 1-10 mm
- Joint depth is min. 2x joint width, but min. 30 mm. Min. half stone height for traffic load
- Density: 1.51 g/cm³
- Jointing with EASY must be done in dry weather and between 5 degrees Celsius and 25 degrees Celsius
- The hardening time of the material is 1-3 days depending on temperature and base build-up
Info and safety
Do you need technical knowledge?
It is important that you both apply EASY Jointing sand correctly,
and that you take care of yourself while performing the work.
That’s why we’ve compiled all the information in an instructional video,
a brochure and a safety data sheet you can download below.
If you’re putting a job out to tender, you can find inspiration in our tender text.
If you are unsure about anything, please contact us.
EASY Jointing sand
Watch instructional video for EASY Jointing sand
Want to see our cases with EASY Jointing sand?
Facts and figures
Is delivered in a sack size of 20 kg