Author name: Henrik Nørgaard

Gågade i Odense

Pedestrian streets in Odense

Case Pedestrian streets in Odense Odense city center has undergone major changes in recent years, including the pedestrian streets Fisketorvet, Vestergade and Torvegade, which havebeen repaved with beautiful natural stone from Zurface. Odense Municipality has wanted to get maintenance-free and aesthetically pleasing joints between natural stone. The choice fell on Lithomex L-series strength joints. The pavement on the pedestrian

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Kompagnistræde i Viborg

Kompagnistræde in Viborg

Case Kompagnistræde in Viborg In the beautiful cobbled Latin Quarter in Viborg, you’ll find Kompagnistræde with the beautiful Latin Garden – right next to Viborg Cathedral. Previously called Pickegans, in 1867 Kompagnistræde was named after Kompagnigaarden between Nytorv and Store Sct. Mikkels Gade. The cobblestone paving is weed-free and therefore maintenance-free, as they have chosen

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